Julia has recently become the author of books as well as an illustrator. Her portfolio of children’s books illustrations show a colourful and attractive style for younger readers. Living in Bath Julia combines her work and life with her family as an inspiration to all her work.

Julia worked with Books Go Walkabout delivering an inspirational presentation with Year 2 children at William Tyndale Primary School, in the London Borough of Islington, followed by class workshops.

Her book Bloom, showed how life in the oceans is far from easy these days.The children were absolutely intrigued by the amount of pollutants and their effect on living organisms in our seas and oceans. There are more plastic bottles for instance, than sharks!

Julia led growing discussions with a wonderful ability to engage with young children, listening to their knowledgeable questions and thoughts. They definitely felt they could do something about making our oceans a better place.

An aspect of the English curriculum for Year 2’s was developing narrative which was really well achieved by Julia as she described how she formed the text alongside the illustrations.

The children had a great time creating a jellyfish, like Luna, the protagonist in Bloom, from recycled materials including a very imaginative way with old plastic bags!